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2.2 SpannableStringBuilder
SpannableStringBuilder 与 SpannableString 类似与 String 和 StringBuilder 之间的关系。SpannableStringBuilder 加入了 append, replace, delete 等方法,作用自不用多说,下面我们还是看下他的 setSpan:
public void setSpan(Object what, int start, int end, int flags) { setSpan(true, what, start, end, flags); } // Note: if send is false, then it is the caller's responsibility to restore // invariants. If send is false and the span already exists, then this method // will not change the index of any spans. private void setSpan(boolean send, Object what, int start, int end, int flags) { // 检查 start 和 end 是否合法 checkRange("setSpan", start, end); int flagsStart = (flags & START_MASK) >> START_SHIFT; if(isInvalidParagraphStart(start, flagsStart)) { throw new RuntimeException("PARAGRAPH span must start at paragraph boundary"); } int flagsEnd = flags & END_MASK; if(isInvalidParagraphEnd(end, flagsEnd)) { throw new RuntimeException("PARAGRAPH span must end at paragraph boundary"); } // 0-length Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE if (flagsStart == POINT && flagsEnd == MARK && start == end) { if (send) { Log.e(TAG, "SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length"); } // Silently ignore invalid spans when they are created from this class. // This avoids the duplication of the above test code before all the // calls to setSpan that are done in this class return; } // 到这里都和之前的 SpannableString 没有什么区别 // gap 的判断 int nstart = start; int nend = end; if (start > mGapStart) { start += mGapLength; } else if (start == mGapStart) { if (flagsStart == POINT || (flagsStart == PARAGRAPH && start == length())) start += mGapLength; } if (end > mGapStart) { end += mGapLength; } else if (end == mGapStart) { if (flagsEnd == POINT || (flagsEnd == PARAGRAPH && end == length())) end += mGapLength; } // 检查是否已经添加过 if (mIndexOfSpan != null) { Integer index = mIndexOfSpan.get(what); if (index != null) { int i = index; int ostart = mSpanStarts[i]; int oend = mSpanEnds[i]; if (ostart > mGapStart) ostart -= mGapLength; if (oend > mGapStart) oend -= mGapLength; mSpanStarts[i] = start; mSpanEnds[i] = end; mSpanFlags[i] = flags; if (send) { restoreInvariants(); sendSpanChanged(what, ostart, oend, nstart, nend); } return; } } mSpans = GrowingArrayUtils.append(mSpans, mSpanCount, what); mSpanStarts = GrowingArrayUtils.append(mSpanStarts, mSpanCount, start); mSpanEnds = GrowingArrayUtils.append(mSpanEnds, mSpanCount, end); mSpanFlags = GrowingArrayUtils.append(mSpanFlags, mSpanCount, flags); mSpanOrder = GrowingArrayUtils.append(mSpanOrder, mSpanCount, mSpanInsertCount); invalidateIndex(mSpanCount); mSpanCount++; mSpanInsertCount++; // Make sure there is enough room for empty interior nodes. // This magic formula computes the size of the smallest perfect binary // tree no smaller than mSpanCount. int sizeOfMax = 2 * treeRoot() + 1; if (mSpanMax.length < sizeOfMax) { mSpanMax = new int[sizeOfMax]; } if (send) { restoreInvariants(); sendSpanAdded(what, nstart, nend); } }
开始的操作依然是检查 start end 越界和 paragraph。接下来是对 gap 缓冲做的处理:
int nstart = start; int nend = end; if (start > mGapStart) { start += mGapLength; } else if (start == mGapStart) { if (flagsStart == POINT || (flagsStart == PARAGRAPH && start == length())) start += mGapLength; } if (end > mGapStart) { end += mGapLength; } else if (end == mGapStart) { if (flagsEnd == POINT || (flagsEnd == PARAGRAPH && end == length())) end += mGapLength; }
在这里会对 flags 有一个判断,当 flags 前后是 INCLUSIVE 且给的 start 和 end 是开头或结尾的时候,当这 append 的时候结尾或开始的字符串就会自动应用到这个 span。例如下面的代码:
SpannableStringBuilder ssb = new SpannableStringBuilder("abcd"); ssb.setSpan(new UnderlineSpan(), 1, 4, Spanned.SPAN_POINT_POINT); ssb.append("aaaa"); ssb.append("aaaa");
在 setSpan 的时候是对 "bcd" 部分加了下划线,当后面两次连续 append 之后,新加入的 "aaaaaaaa" 也被自动加入了下划线。
这里对 gap 做一个解释,在 SpannableStringBuilder 创建的时候会建一个名为 mText 的 char[],数组的 size 经过两个方法的处理就会得到一个合适大小的数组,数组在赋值后剩余出来的空间就是 gap buffer。大小合适的数组可以避免在 append 的过程中对数组频繁的 copy 操作。
public SpannableStringBuilder(CharSequence text, int start, int end) { int srclen = end - start; if (srclen < 0) throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(); mText = ArrayUtils.newUnpaddedCharArray(GrowingArrayUtils.growSize(srclen)); mGapStart = srclen; mGapLength = mText.length - srclen; ... } // GrowingArrayUtils /** * Given the current size of an array, returns an ideal size to which the array should grow. * This is typically double the given size, but should not be relied upon to do so in the * future. */ public static int growSize(int currentSize) { return currentSize <= 4 ? 8 : currentSize * 2; } // ArrayUtils public static char[] newUnpaddedCharArray(int minLen) { return (char[])VMRuntime.getRuntime().newUnpaddedArray(char.class, minLen); } /** * Returns an array allocated in an area of the Java heap where it will never be moved. * This is used to implement native allocations on the Java heap, such as DirectByteBuffers * and Bitmaps. */ public native Object newNonMovableArray(Class<?> componentType, int length);
然后就是对 span 的检查,这一点的原理和 SpannableString 类似,也是重复使用的话只会保留最后设置的效果。下面操作就是对新加入的 span 的处理,同样使用构造函数中类似的对数组扩充的方式:
mSpans = GrowingArrayUtils.append(mSpans, mSpanCount, what); mSpanStarts = GrowingArrayUtils.append(mSpanStarts, mSpanCount, start); mSpanEnds = GrowingArrayUtils.append(mSpanEnds, mSpanCount, end); mSpanFlags = GrowingArrayUtils.append(mSpanFlags, mSpanCount, flags); mSpanOrder = GrowingArrayUtils.append(mSpanOrder, mSpanCount, mSpanInsertCount); // 更新 mIndexOfSpan invalidateIndex(mSpanCount); mSpanCount++; mSpanInsertCount++; // Call this on any update to mSpans[], so that mIndexOfSpan can be updated private void invalidateIndex(int i) { mLowWaterMark = Math.min(i, mLowWaterMark); } // GrowingArrayUtils public static <T> T[] append(T[] array, int currentSize, T element) { assert currentSize <= array.length; if (currentSize + 1 > array.length) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T[] newArray = ArrayUtils.newUnpaddedArray( (Class<T>) array.getClass().getComponentType(), growSize(currentSize)); System.arraycopy(array, 0, newArray, 0, currentSize); array = newArray; } array[currentSize] = element; return array; }
这些 span 被存在一个线性的数组中,数组的排序是按照 start 的值建立的满二叉树来实现的,做成这样也是为了查询的更快。在这里的公式 2 * treeRoot() + 1 可以算出当前树的最大节点数,例如根节点的下标是 3,那么这个满二叉树中节点个数就是 7。完整的二叉树定义以及如何使用可以看 treeRoot 和 calcMax 方法的注释:
// Make sure there is enough room for empty interior nodes. // This magic formula computes the size of the smallest perfect binary // tree no smaller than mSpanCount. int sizeOfMax = 2 * treeRoot() + 1; if (mSpanMax.length < sizeOfMax) { mSpanMax = new int[sizeOfMax]; } if (send) { restoreInvariants(); // 对二叉树进行 sendSpanAdded(what, nstart, nend); } // The spans (along with start and end offsets and flags) are stored in linear arrays sorted // by start offset. For fast searching, there is a binary search structure imposed over these // arrays. This structure is inorder traversal of a perfect binary tree, a slightly unusual // but advantageous approach. // The value-containing nodes are indexed 0 <= i < n (where n = mSpanCount), thus preserving // logic that accesses the values as a contiguous array. Other balanced binary tree approaches // (such as a complete binary tree) would require some shuffling of node indices. // Basic properties of this structure: For a perfect binary tree of height m: // The tree has 2^(m+1) - 1 total nodes. // The root of the tree has index 2^m - 1. // All leaf nodes have even index, all interior nodes odd. // The height of a node of index i is the number of trailing ones in i's binary representation. // The left child of a node i of height h is i - 2^(h - 1). // The right child of a node i of height h is i + 2^(h - 1). // Note that for arbitrary n, interior nodes of this tree may be >= n. Thus, the general // structure of a recursive traversal of node i is: // * traverse left child if i is an interior node // * process i if i < n // * traverse right child if i is an interior node and i < n private int treeRoot() { return Integer.highestOneBit(mSpanCount) - 1; } // The span arrays are also augmented by an mSpanMax[] array that represents an interval tree // over the binary tree structure described above. For each node, the mSpanMax[] array contains // the maximum value of mSpanEnds of that node and its descendants. Thus, traversals can // easily reject subtrees that contain no spans overlapping the area of interest. // Note that mSpanMax[] also has a valid valuefor interior nodes of index >= n, but which have // descendants of index < n. In these cases, it simply represents the maximum span end of its // descendants. This is a consequence of the perfect binary tree structure. private int calcMax(int i) { ... }
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